#RedNationRising #MAGA BreakingNews vs #FakeNews Celebrity’s #WomensMarch #Putin Did What? Witches Of #Soros Lowdown Brew For #HRC2016FakeNews

Billionaire George #Soros Tied To Over 50 ‘Partners’ Of The #WomensMarch On Washington

George Soros’ Open Society Foundation – considering that Soros is Hillary’s biggest contributor and Soros is a power Zionist with great interest in the US presidency CxQ4xm-UQAAG94o.jpgWhat this means on Election Day is that …a private company (linked to Soros), manages everything about the voting, from voter registration, the printing of ballots, the programming of the voting machines, the counting and tabulation of the votes, and the final reporting of the results for… millions of Americans in (many) states. Here I am paraphrasing Chris Bollyn Smartmatic’s voting equipment and procedures have raised the suspicions of people in more than one nation, and their trustworthiness has been called into question by cops, judges, and politicians. Just Google their name and scroll.

Nevertheless, Smartmatic has in recent years made big inroads into our USA elections. On their company website, they state that they have now configured 392,000 electoral devices in America and ‘deployed’ (odd choice of word for them to use) deployed 57,000 vote counting machines. . . . SOURCE – –http://www.smartmatic.com/case-studies/article/united-states-elections/

Smartmatic’s equipment, software and technicians will be counting votes behind closed doors in the following US states- — Arizona — California — Colorado — District of Columbia — Florida — Illinois — Louisiana — Michigan — Missouri — New Jersey — Nevada — Oregon — Pennsylvania — Virginia — Washington — Wisconsin SOURCE – – http://www.smartmatic.com/case-studies/article/united-states-elections/

Any actual counting of the votes by citizens is very rare in the United States except for a few counties in Montana and other states where paper ballots are still hand-counted. In most counties, the ballots are treated as input data to be processed through computer systems controlled by private companies…Chris Bollyn There are still four weeks or so before the election. The corporation, Smartmatic, and several of its spokesmen have social media accounts.

Here is the dirt on a different voting machine company, ES&S, written by the investigative journalist Chris Bollyn, who went to take a good look at what they were doing a few years ago. No, it ain’t Smartmatic, but I don’t imagine there is much difference in the procedures –

Later I asked Lin who was actually operating the computer that was generating the results being shown on the monitors. “ES&S is running the mainframe for all of this,” Lin said pointing to the television displays. In the press room in the back, I noticed stacks of boxes containing “Votamatic” voting machines and “pre-punched” ballots printed by ES&S of Addison, Texas, for the different precincts in Cook County. In the rear hallway behind the press room was the ES&S room. Only ES&S personnel were allowed into the room. That sounds absolutely outside the boundaries of dependable election results in a real democratic process. If George Soros’ pal’s corporation, Smartmatic, is going to count US presidential votes like that, how do you feel about it

Let’s bring Smartmatic out into the public light of cyberspace at Twitter and Facebook and etc, and just plain old ask them – HOW do we know the votes are counted correctly? Who are the Smartmatic techies who will be in the room? What are their names and professional credentials? Are they affiliated with any foreign or domestic political organization? Who audits their work? What does the system look like . . are votes from various polling stations fed to a central processor? Show us a diagram.

Let’s get this all out in the open long before the Trump / Clinton votes are counted out of our sight.

Just the other day Smartmatic openly bragged on their Twitter account that Barak Obama voted on their equipment. . . . Smartmatic ‏*@smartmatic * Oct 10 .. Smartmatic Retweeted President Obama .. .@Potus early voted with one of our voting machines in Chicago #USElection

Twitter @smartmatic

Facebook: SmartmaticTechnology

Instagram: SmartmaticTechnology



https://twitter.com/sab1ta … The latest Tweets from Samira Saba (@Sab1ta). Integrated Communications Director @ Smartmatic. Miami, Florida, USA.

In light of the fact that their corporation has a Chairman of the Board who also chairs George Soros’ Open Society Foundation – considering that Soros is Hillary’s biggest contributor and Soros is a power Zionist with great interest in the US presidency – let’s find out in cyberspace in broad daylight how Smartmatic can be ASSURE US THE COUNT WILL BE FAIR.

Majority of 230 protesters arrested on Inauguration Day will face 10 years in prison and $25k fine as US attorney says they will be charged with felony rioting

  • 230 people have been arrested and six police officers injured in the D.C.protests against President Trump
  • Many any of those arrested will reportedly face up to a 10-year prison sentence and $25,000 fine
  • A violent rampage started two blocks from the White House in McPherson Square and along K Street 
  • A limo was set on fire after destructive demonstrators threw a flare into its shattered windows 
  • Police with shields lined up and blocked the parade route as riots broke out around the city
  • Officials have used tear gas, pepper spray and flash bang grenades on the mob 
  • Windows have been smashed at Starbucks, McDonald’s and Bank of America buildings
  • Broadcaster Larry King said the windows of his SUV were smashed by protesters while he was in studios

Soros has funded or has close relationships with, at least 56 of the march’s “partners,” including “key partners” Planned Parenthood, which opposes Trump’s anti-abortion policy, and the National Resource Defense Council, which opposes Trump’s environmental policies. The other Soros ties with “Women’s March” organizations include the partisan MoveOn.org (which was fiercely pro-Clinton), the National Action Network (which has a former executive director lauded by Obama senior advisor Valerie Jarrett as “a leader of tomorrow” as a march co-chair and another official as “the head of logistics”). Other Soros grantees who are “partners” in the march are the American Civil Liberties Union, Center for Constitutional Rights, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch. March organizers and the organizations identified here haven’t yet returned queries for comment.  

Besides his top position at Smartmatic, Mark Malloch-Brown serves in quite a high position (Vice Chairman) at no less of an organization than George Soros’ international political meddling outfit, the Open Society Foundation.

How do we know this? It’s no secret. Mark Malloch-Brown is so proud of his service to George Soros that he boasts of it on the Voting Machine Company’s website

On the issues I care about as a Muslim, the “Women’s March,” unfortunately, has taken a stand on the side of partisan politics that has obfuscated the issues of Islamic extremism over the eight years of the Obama administration. “Women’s March” partners include the Council on American-Islamic Relations, which has not only deflected on issues of Islamic extremism post-9/11 but opposes Muslim reforms that would allow women to be prayer leaders and pray in the front of mosques, without wearing headscarves as symbols of chastity. Partners also include the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), which wrongly designated Maajid Nawaz, a Muslim reformer, an “anti-Muslim extremist” in a biased report released before the election. The SPLC confirmed to me that Soros funded its “anti-Muslim extremists” report targeting Nawaz. (Ironically, CAIR also opposes abortions, but its leader still has a key speaking role.)

Another Soros grantee and march “partner” is the Arab-American Association of New York, whose executive director, Linda Sarsour, is a march co-chair. When I co-wrote a piece, arguing that Muslim women don’t have to wear headscarves as a symbol of “modesty,” she attacked the coauthor and me as “fringe.” 

Earlier, at least 33 of the 100 “women of color,” who initially protested the Trump election in street protests, worked at organizations that receive Soros funding, in part for “black-brown” activism. Of course, Soros is an “ideological philanthropist,” whose interests align with many of these groups, but he is also a significant political donor. In Davos, he told reporters that Trump is a “would-be dictator.”

Read more.

Source: Billionaire George Soros has ties to more than 50 ‘partners’ of the Women’s March on Washington » Alex Jones’ Infowars: There’s a war on for your mind!


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